As you listen to these Hypnosis Sessions you will discover something very fascinating. You may first notice the change in the amount of weight you lift, or it may be your endurance. In about one to three weeks you will notice a significant increase in the size of the muscle. You will actually be able to see the difference.Research Proves the Mind Body Muscle Increase! Studies at Manchester University in England showed dramatic results in just one week with participants doing only HYPNOTIC exercises. The group that did the real exercise (for the same amount of time as the hypnosis group), increased the size and strength of the targeted muscle 30%.The group who did ONLY the hypnosis exercise increased the size and strength 16%.
This is important. Here's why. The research proves that more than 50% of the muscle increase is obtained from the mental state alone. Hypnosis and/or visualization, done properly, can cause muscle growth even without working the muscle. The messages from the subconscious mind are powerful enough to command the muscles to grow by feeding the cells the information they need. And this is without moving a muscle. Cellular Memory is handed down from dying cells to newly forming cells. If nothing changes, the dying cell gives the new cell the same memory. The new cell is formed in the same way as the old one.
This is WHY hypnosis works. Hypnosis targets the transfer of information as the new cell is forming, creating a new cellular memory. Without the hypnosis boost, as you workout, the cellular memory will change and you will grow- over time. When you use hypnosis you accelerate the cellular memory change. The cells are programmed to increase size and strength immediately, instead of waiting months for each cellular exchange to gradually change the muscles.