Thursday, 23 January 2014

Hypnosis Programe

You have probably heard of athletes using hypnosis. Many professional Bodybuilders know that their imagery and mental techniques account for a big part of their success. They know they could not have the impressive gains and the rapid results they have without their subconscious secrets of building body mass.Your strength is determined largely by the mental conditions, beliefs, and convictions that support the muscles.Muscle growth is greatly enhanced by the mental processes available to you in Hypnosis 

As you listen to these Hypnosis Sessions you will discover something very fascinating. You may first notice the change in the amount of weight you lift, or it may be your endurance. In about one to three weeks you will notice a significant increase in the size of the muscle. You will actually be able to see the difference.Research Proves the Mind Body Muscle Increase! Studies at Manchester University in England showed dramatic results in just one week with participants doing only HYPNOTIC exercises. The group that did the real exercise (for the same amount of time as the hypnosis group), increased the size and strength of the targeted muscle 30%.The group who did ONLY the hypnosis exercise increased the size and strength 16%.

This is important. Here's why. The research proves that more than 50% of the muscle increase is obtained from the mental state alone. Hypnosis and/or visualization, done properly, can cause muscle growth even without working the muscle. The messages from the subconscious mind are powerful enough to command the muscles to grow by feeding the cells the information they need. And this is without moving a muscle. Cellular Memory is handed down from dying cells to newly forming cells. If nothing changes, the dying cell gives the new cell the same memory. The new cell is formed in the same way as the old one.

This is WHY hypnosis works. Hypnosis targets the transfer of information as the new cell is forming, creating a new cellular memory. Without the hypnosis boost, as you workout, the cellular memory will change and you will grow- over time. When you use hypnosis you accelerate the cellular memory change. The cells are programmed to increase size and strength immediately, instead of waiting months for each cellular exchange to gradually change the muscles.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Build Bigger Arms

Fitness experts across the globe agree that, nothing will help you get big arms faster then training biceps, triceps and forearms together on a single day. When you are fresh and when your glycogen stores are full, that’s the best time to train your arms, as it will produce a much more intense arm workout leading to better gains. The body parts trained first will always improve faster than those at the end of the workout when you are fatigued.

Always Train Arms With A Thick Bar
In order to develop maximum muscular size and strength, use a thick-handled bar always. It helps in developing big arms and levels of upper body power strength to such an extent which is incomprehensible to those who train only with regular bars.

Train Your Forearms
It’s not just your biceps that will go a long way in impressing others, but training your forearms should be an important part of your goal. If you have stick forearms, then it doesn’t matter how big your biceps or triceps are, because you will still end up having small arms.
Get Leaner & Respect Your Elbows
Yes, these are two things and two very important things. Firstly, your arms will always look bigger and better when you can see the definition and vascularity (veins) which only happens when you are lean. Secondly, you must always respect your elbows as staying injury free is very important because if you injure yourself in the elbows, your arms will be atrophying (shrinking) and not hypertrophying (growing).
Use More Exercises
If somebody tries convincing you about the concept of one best exercise or best routine for any body part, know that there is a problem. Everybody has different muscle insertion points, muscle belly lengths and muscle fiber make composition. So everyone responds differently. The idea is to use a variety of exercises to find ones that work best for you.


Risks and Benefits of Steroids

Steroids have been popular with athletes and sportsmen for decades now.The discovery of medicinal compositions, which help boost stamina and muscle strength, gave men the power to defy the naturally experienced fatigue. Medical practitioners, who prescribe these drugs, like to put a disclaimer alongside - steroid drugs are tricky substances. They come with both benefits and risks. 
Steroids, also known as performance enhancing drugs, are meant to beat the natural boundaries of body performance. Researchers have proved that testosterone, a hormone associated with the growth of reproductive organs as well as of bones, body hair and muscles, can be enhanced by artificial steroids.

For athletes or fitness enthusiasts, testosterone steroids help improve the stamina to prolong crunches and other physical activities.

Steroids help increase the size of the body considerably. So, sportsmen prefer taking these to balance out weight regime and achieve toned body as required.

Steroids are also known to have remedial effects on the body. Athletes tend to have injuries and minor accidents during practice sessions. Steroids help cure their ailment and get them back in shape soon.
The discovery of any scientific object always comes with a risk associated with it, as is also the case with steroids. The fact that they act artificially against the natural reaction of the functions of the human body makes them fatal. The effects of these are experienced at a later stage in one’s life

It has been found that a regular user of steroids tends to gradually get dependent on them. In cases of non-availability of the substance, the person falls into fits of rage and gets self-destructive.

In cases where the body has comfortably accustomed itself to artificial drugs for survival, it stops or inhibits the natural hormone secretion. This could lead to possible problems of infertility.

Steroids are also known to affect other bodily functions and eventually affect the cholesterol level, sometimes resulting in high blood pressure and increased chances of heart attack.

Sudden withdrawal from the drugs, in case of addiction may also lead to active cases of depression, nervous breakdowns, body pain and nausea. This is because the body tries to re-track its natural system and acts unnaturally. 


Squat belakang (back squat) dengan squat hadapan (front squat), yang mana paling  lebih selamat? Squat, seperti yang diketahui semua, dikatakan sebagai raja kepada semua senaman. Squat menyasarkan otot quadrisep, hamstring dan pinggul. Dalam masa sama, otot perut, otot spinal dan betis jadi penstabil yang menghalang anda dari jatuh.
Walau bagaimana pun, ada beberapa jenis squat. Squat yang paling popular adalah squat belakang menggunakan barbell. Barbell diletakkan di 3 tempat iaitu di antara trapezius dan deltoid, di tengah-tengah trapezius, atau di atas trapezius. Paling selamat di tengah-tengah trapezius. Trapezius bertindak sebagai kusyen. Squat belakang jika dibandingkan dengan squat depan, ia merbahaya pada pinggang, hip, dan lutut walaupun dilakukan dengan cara yang betul.

Cuba lihat dari sudut biomekaniknya. Ada 4 otot major yang seimbangkan badan iaitu perut, punggung, hip flexor dan otot spinal. Sekali mana kekuatan keempat-empat kumpulan otot ini berada pada kekuatan yang sepatutnya, tak jadi masalah. Akan tetapi, masalah kebanyakan orang, bahagian perut dan punggungnya lebih lemah, menyebabkan otot spinal dan hip flexor menjadi ketat dan seterusnya menyebabkan pelvik bergerak sedikit ke hadapan. Syndrom ini dikenali sebagai lower cross syndrome. Kalau ikutkan, jarang jumpa mereka yang tiada masalah ini disebabkan majoriti ada habit, mungkin disebabkan kerja, duduk kebanyakan masa seperti kerja di pejabat. Kebanyakan kes juga disebabkan pengumpul beban berlebihan di punggung dalam bentuk lemak.

Kenapa kedudukan pelvik penting? Kedudukan pelvik yang salah merupakan penyebab utama majoriti sakit pinggang. Perubahan pelvik ke depan menekan sakrum, menutup foramina diantara tulang belakang dan sakrum. Saraf dan tisu disekeliling sangat sensitif. Jadi mereka terganggu disebabkan perubahan bentuk atau saiz foramina ini. Ia menimbulkan rasa sakit dan kemungkinan bengkak, dan mungkin juga sciatica. Kemudian, ia meletakkan tekanan pada bahagian belakang disc yang memaksanya mengubah bentuk dan menambah risiko slip disc atau hernia pada tulang belakang.
Masalah dengan squat belakang, adalah agak mustahil untuk memastikan pergerakan dilakukan pergerakan penuh pada spinal dan pelvik. Badan cenderung bergerak ke hadapan apabila menurun, dan pinggang dibengkokkan. Otot bahagian belakang dan hip flexor menjadi ketat. Dalam bahasa mudah, jika anda menambah beban squat, anda cenderung untuk menonggek. Ada perbezaan tonggek disebabkan perubahan sudut pelvik dan penambahan otot.

Berbeza dengan squat hadapan, apabila squat hadapan, kecenderungan untuk badan bergerak ke hadapan sangat kurang disebabkan kalau ke hadapan, beban akan jatuh. Jadi secara tak langsung, kita akan menjaga kedudukan badan supaya barbell tidak jatuh. Squat depan tidak memerlukan beban setinggi squat belakang untuk mendapatkan hasil yang sama. Jika squat belakang 200kg, mungkin squat depan cuma 170kg untuk mendapatkan hasil yang sama. Angka itu cuma perbandingan.
Bagaimana dengan otot sasaran? Adakah ia menyasarkan otot yang sama atau berlainan? Ada pendapat mengatakan, squat hadapan lebih menyasarkan otot quadrisep. Akan tetapi, menurut kajian, tiada perbezaan otot mana yang bekerja. 

Choosing Your Weapon

Seeing into the heart of the matter Workouts that get your heart pumping are known as cardio (short for cardiovascular) exercises, and th...