Be sure that your routines include at
least one exercise for each of the following
muscle groups.
- Butt or buttocks (glutes)
- Front thighs (quadriceps)
- Rear thighs (hamstrings)
- Calves
- Chest (pecs)
- Back
- Abdominals (abs)
- Shoulders (delts)
- Front of upper arm (biceps)
- Rear of upper arm (triceps)

You have exercises for additional muscle
groups, such as the wrist and shin muscles and inner and outer thighs. But for
general fitness, the preceding muscles should be your highest priorities. If
you neglect any of these muscle groups, you’ll have a gap in your strength, and
you may set yourself up for injury. If you avoid training any particular muscle
group, you also may end up with a body that looks out of proportion. You don’t
need to hit all your muscle groups on the same day — just make sure that you
work each group twice a week.
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